Monday, March 2, 2009

Been a few days

I have been busy! I think this has been the best weekend socially for me in a long time. I do stand up comedy,(if I didn't mention that before). Well, I met a well known comedian this weekend and he gave me his cell and said to call him when i come into his town and we could get together.That was a great thing for me. This guy is a comedic allstar. He is incredible on stage and he is someone to really listen to. Anyway, about Vegan life! I have officially went down one pants size! I am shocked. This is a great thing. I have such a long way to go before I will be where I would like to be physically, but that is really not the issue. What is more important is that I am still living Organic and Vegan and loving it! This is a great lifestyle. My eating habits are becoming so habitual. I just do certain things now everyday without really thinking about them.For instance, I know every morning I am eating fruit. It doesnt matter what fruit, just that I know this and do not think of doing anything different is great. I have it sitting around all the time. Rice,Tofu,greens,grains,veggies they are always withing reach and sitting somewhere. Its amazing how junkfood can be so easily replaced. I have also realized something else. There is Veagn junk food too!! So many people have this impression of Vegans that everything is lettuce and tomatoes and carrots. But do you like pop tarts?No meat so vegatarians eat them. Taco bell? bean burritos are for vegatarians. Hey isnt that amazing that vegatarians can eat at taco bell?! There is more to it than that though isnt there? Yes, you know there is. Its about accountability to living creatures all over this planet. Its about treating yourself good . Have you ever done the salt count on taco bell stuff.?Have you ever seen how many ingredients are in a pop tart? What it boils down to is good old commen sense. Do you know that what your eating used to walk this earth? DONT EAT IT!! Did you know that the fish you eat had the ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER FISH WITHOUT USING WORDS LIKE US? It did until it was taken from its home and cut open and killed. I officially refuse to live in a type of lifestyle that only lives because animals are being horribly tortured and killed and then eaten buy us. It feels good to know that there is nothing dying so I can survive.

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