Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Attack of the Cheetos!

Man what a night. I was having a dream the other night about a giant cheeto. ( I am not sure that is how you spell it , but you get what I mean) No matter where I went that thing kept coming after me. I would run and hide and the next thing you know there it was. I woke up, and what do you think I wanted. Cheetoos! I fought that urge so hard. I did not give in though. I cannot believe that something like that happened. How in the world can a craving be so bad that you start dreaming about it, and why would I be craving such garbage anyway? Well, I decided to look into it a little bit. Our brains are amazing. Amazing in a bad way too! If you have something that you really enjoy and you have enjoyed it for a long time , when you quit using it or eating it your brain tries to tempt you into getting it again so you will be happy because it remembers how happy you were when you were using it /eating it!! Crazy! I cant wait for the day I start dreaming about celery! Be back tonight to continue......

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