Monday, February 9, 2009

It is tuesday morning and I woke up with leg cramps real bad. I cannot sleep because of them and I do not know why. I need to check my vitamin intake and see if I am deficent in anything. I know I should be getting plenty of potasium but I will still check. Anyway, It is really amazing how my appetite has decreased in the last week. I am sure I will deal with temtations for quite a while but it is really amazing how long I can go now without worrying about getting something to eat. Its only been a week! I wonder what this is going to be like in a month or two? But of course my outlook on this I know has a lot to do with it. It is not just about food. I am living a compassionate lifestyle, not just eating well. That makes all the difference right there. When I think of a meat sandwich I do not think of it as a yummy temptation, I think of it as a beautiful creature that had to die so that sandwich could be made. That alters the desire immediately to eat it. Thats what has me floored about going Vegan for reasons of humanity. It really makes me feel good that nothing has to die for me to live. Isn't that awsome? It really is guilt free living. I told a friend of mine the other day that even if I never lost any weight going Vegan I still do not ever want to go back to living on a meat based diet, because this feels so good living like this. A thought accurred to me yesterday,what if this excitement fades after a while, and then I realized, how can the exitement fade, this is saving lives every day I live,that will never get old. I metioned the other day that there were a couple of interesting things I had to mention. My dad used to tell me that misery loves company. I am learning that all too quikly. People around you will not want you to succeed if they are not part of your Vegan plan. I am not saying all people, so do not misunderstand me, but just be careful if you want to do this and you live with people who do not believe in it or do not care. I notice that icecream and cake came into my house quickly after I started my life change and I even got phone calls letting me know that it was in the freezer. ( just to let me know it was there so I was not tempted) LOL Well, I am going to make some tea. Thank God for Agave Nectar.

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